Power of Storytelling in Podcasting

by | Feb 29, 2024 | 0 comments

I am sure all of you remember those stories your grandparents or parents used to narrate to you as kids; Stories from as young as when you were 5! And that my friend is exactly what we are going to discuss.

We have had multiple conversations around ‘how lyrics of certain songs are engaging enough’, enough for us to remember, hum and sing of course. But, without listening to one story multiple times, if paid attention with some amount of curiosity, it stays with us almost for our entire life.

I am sure you are waiting for me to get to the point of ‘what does this have to do with podcasting?’ A lot, let me tell you

Storytelling And Podcasting

Podcasts are conversation based, and avid podcast listeners definitely pay a lot of attention to whatever they are listening to so they pick out whatever adds value or might interest them enough to share with people around them or just for entertainment. But, while remembering pointers might take some kind of effort, stories on the other hand effortlessly stay with us even if you are passively listening.

If your podcast involves a lot of incidents, stories, examples,etc. It is more likely to stay with the listener which will then get your brand recall built. Stories also help you convey so much without too many explanations and get more reactions out of people’s minds. The listeners might find stories/incidents relatable or probably mysterious but if the story is good enough to evoke any of these emotions, it’s remembered.

How to use storytelling to get your share of voice

On the internet, in the podcasting industry all of us have the same set number of audiences to whom our content will be exposed to, what one has to make sure of is figure out how to make their voice louder than other competitors.

And this is certainly based on engagement, again stories not only make people remember your content but also are very engaging. They bring in that personal connection that the audience wants to feel, they want to know more about you/ their favourite guests and that happens while you share life instances. All of this fosters a good engaging relationship between you and your listeners.

How Brands and Individuals are using this?

Remember MBA Chaiwala, was he actually selling tea or was he selling aspirations based on his life story! The wave of entrepreneurship after people started sharing their stories on social media with platforms like Josh Talks, TEDx, etc. came about. It’s all about how good of a storyteller you are? If your story is relatable, motivational, aspirational and if you drop success secrets with a set of day on day  achievable targets, nobody could stop you from becoming a social media phenomenon.

Brands like Big Basket are using this to full potential, hiring credible faces and building a brand story which will in turn build brand recall and eventually make it more successful.

Talking about other popular storytelling podcasts Musafir Stories, Maed in India are very outright about what they are doing and then there are people like Shantanu Deshpande, who step into the podcasting industry to build/change narratives using the power of storytelling l.

Odd Stories

We started a podcast almost a year ago, very different from a traditional podcast. No set-up, no equipment, no strategizing, none of those things and guess what? It picked up. Want to know how? Storytelling it is.

Odd Stories featured individuals and just a fun story from their life. We found these people in the vox pop fashion, recorded them for a few minutes and that too got us the engagement we were looking it. Only and only because of storytelling. Humans fall back upon other humans for life experiences and advice which if given in the form of stories makes their world go round.

So now you know, if you have to voice your opinions or want people to keep your advices in their head for a lifetime, narrate it to them as a story.