Interesting Facts About Podcasting.

by | Feb 7, 2023 | 0 comments

Are you ready to get your mind blown? Cause we bet you didn’t know these lesser known facts about podcasting!

1. A failed podcast platform gave birth to twitter.

We all know Podcasting is on the rise lately, but did you know how podcasts were introduced? Or more importantly, how Twitter came to be? Here’s a story of how a failed product can still have potential.

Before Twitter was created, Evan Williams, one of the co-founders of the popular microblogging network and a developer of Blogger, tried to develop a podcasting platform. He called it Odeo. It was supposed to be a speech-to-podcast converter. However, the project struggled and failed, so Williams and the rest of the team decided to start something new, and that was Twitter.

2. 71% of podcast listeners are Gen Z/millennials.

Unsurprisingly, most of the podcast consumers happen to be GenZ and millennials. Just how they dominate other social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The reason behind this is that most of the podcast listeners are also fond of music.

Since, most of the GenZs are always blasting music into their ears as some kind of white noise, while performing any kind of activity/tasks, podcasts are a great way to learn and gain knowledge about new things without putting much effort and spending money.

3. Brand discovery through podcast ads is growing.

While people may not like looking at Ads on TV or on YouTube, they certainly don’t mind it as much on audio. In fact, audio ads are among the fastest growing sources of brand discovery in our data, while TV ads continue to decline.

This is also because, in recent times, ads have become much more than just selling your product. There is a story behind every ad, even though it could be from just a washing powder brand or an Instant Noodle brand. Ads are created in such a way that the message behind the stories stays with the audience for a long time.

More brands are shifting to this method of marketing and advertising because it plays a huge role in creating brand awareness and brand image. Because who doesn’t love a good story right?

4. How did the Serial Podcast get MailChimp famous?

Well if you don’t know, MailChimp is an Email Service provider and you’re probably wondering how Mailchimp is connected to Podcasts. Let us tell you.

Serial, the true-crime show that propelled podcasting into the mainstream, was the first podcast to reach 5 million downloads on iTunes alone and it also made its sponsor, MailChimp, famous.

MailChimp’s pre-roll ad featured a girl who struggled to pronounce MailChimp (‘Mail…Keemp?’).
Fans have embraced the ad almost like it’s one of the podcast’s many compelling characters. Jokes about the pronunciation of Mail… Keemp? have developed into their own meme.

The rough-and-ready spot was parodied and quoted all over the internet, with even national newspapers writing articles explaining what MailChimp was and why everyone was talking about it.

5. Podcasts are for life.

Podcasting came into its own during covid, and when people resumed their lives after, they started listening to podcasts only during their commute at first. But lately, podcasts have wiggled their way into consumers’ domestic lives too.

According to latest trends:

  1. 60% listen to podcasts at home as background noise.
  2. 41% listen at home to help them focus.
  3. 38% listen to podcasts at home as their main activity.

Post-pandemic, audio platforms continue to boom, as we discussed in our previous blog as well. Now ingrained in domestic environments, there’s a podcast out there for every activity, mood, topic, and genre to satisfy consumers’ interests. It’s a well of untapped opportunity for brands looking to hook new audiences.

Are you still wondering if Podcasting is the right way to market your brand? Reach out to us and get your doubts cleared about all things podcasting.

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