How to build a podcast studio at home?

by | Jul 7, 2022 | 0 comments

“Storytelling is one of the oldest art forms. This art form is being refueled because of Podcasting.” Podcasting as an industry has been geared up in recent years and we have around 2 million podcasts worldwide. This is a huge achievement!

I relate to this quote stating “ May your walls hold joy, may every room hold laughter and every window be open to great possibilities!” Thanks to the latest technology, podcasters can now record their episodes even at home! Surprising? Having a podcast studio at home is every podcaster’s dream! Here are a few essentials you need for creating your pocket-friendly and productive podcasting studio!!

The Right Spot:

Find the best corner at your home where you can set up your studio for podcasting. The spot needs to be a quiet place with no background noise. The place should bring you good vibes, positivity, and the energy required to record the episode. To make it reduce the reverb you can actually add some rugs, pillows and cushions. Not only will it make your studio look aesthetic but will help you treat your studio acoustically as well.

Podcast Recording Equipment:


The 1st thing you need for recording is a computer, monitor, or a laptop. For recording, editing and exporting you need a monitor to work on. Make sure you have a fast processor and speedy laptop/computer. A good amount of storage is a must to store your recorded files.


Without a microphone, you cannot be a podcast host as this millennial audiences needs a better quality of audio and if your podcast doesn’t serves that then people might find an alternative to it.

Choosing a perfect microphone for your podcast depends on:

What are you recording?

You have to pick up a mic depending on what kind of audio you are going to record. Whether you’ll be recording conversations, music or you would be streaming live. 

Where are you recording?

Determine whether you are going to record in a noisy surrounding or a completely vacant space with echoing noise, at your studio or a public space. 

With whom are you recording?

Microphones should be selected depending on whether your podcast will be a solo cast, with a co-host, or will have guests talking to the audience.

What is your podcast’s aim?

Buying a microphone also depends on what kind of podcast you are hosting. Is it a storytelling podcast, or it’ll have a constant theme,  or it’ll be a business podcast, etc.

What is your budget?

This is an apparent cause affecting your decision of buying a microphone.

A mic stand is also essential as it’ll help you to position your microphone properly without movements making it steady.

Here are a few recommendations of microphones models for podcasting: Blue Microphones Blue Yeti, Audio-Technica India AT2020 Cardioid Condenser Microphone, SAMSON GROUP Q2U Mic, Shure India, RØDE  NT-USB, JBL Professional CSUM10

A Pop Filter

A pop filter is an equipment that helps to capture amazing audio with a high-quality frequency and it reduces your popping sounds like the p’s and t’s, bouncing back good quality audio without any static.


Headphones help you in listening to your audio and hence monitoring it. It is a useful piece of equipment helping you to maintain the good quality of audio and modulate your voice accordingly. It also cancels out the disturbing background noise. Many podcasters in their beginning stage use earpods or wired earphones but it is recommended to use closed-backed headphones as it helps you to focus without any disturbances.

Now that you all know the essentials to set up your podcast studio at home, don’t you want any ideas on how to make it more comfortable and aesthetic?

  • Make use of scented candles and indoor plants as it’s scientifically proven that they calm us down and make the guests comfortable as well.
  • Put inspirational books in your studio as it will help to create a positive and productive environment. 

So, what are you all waiting for? Grab the equipment, search for a corner, set up your dream podcast studio, and create masterpieces for your audiences!! If you get stuck anywhere then we are just a call away. AudStory will help you with everything related to podcasting! For more such blogs, stay tuned!!