If you follow our page you’d know that we have launched a very special live series ‘Let’s Talk Content.
This week on our Panel, we had none other than Pawan Rochwani. He’s an artist, entrepreneur, and the founder of India’s most collaborative and multidisciplinary art community called Platform For Artists (PFA) and Lead – Community, Events and Partnerships at Pepper Content. Not only this, he is among the first movers of India’s creator economy and a content creator himself! Catch his work through his podcast ‘When We Met’ and his newsletter ‘Relatively Correct,’ which talks about everything intersecting art, culture and creators’ economy in India.
We began our conversation with Pawan talking about his journey as a creator. Interestingly, we had an in-depth discussion on how can one become a successful creator on the Internet. He gave us a few tips that we would like to cite :
Just try to be as real as possible
Be very humane on the internet. Create what you truly believe in. In the initial years, the only focus should be to express yourself in the best way possible instead of creating it with the intent of monetization.
Be Patient, the results will show
As a creator, we tend to expect our content to get viral in the first instance itself, which unfortunately is never the case. To this, he added, that we should just try and be consistent with our work. Remember that “getting viral” on the internet is very subjective, and that should not be our concern as creators.
Focus on mastering your craft
To establish your brand on the Internet, the one thing that you need to do is, try and improvise your content with every piece you create. Eventually, once you master it, you will witness your brand getting better by itself.
Apart from this, he also talked about having fun and real while creating content as a creator and I think I couldn’t agree any less. As a creator, we all have our fair share of bad days. On those days, it is always great to take a break for some time. However, it is pertinent to remember the purpose of creating content and have fun while creating it.
Another important part of the discussion revolved around how as a creator one should deal with situations like creator’s block and imposter syndrome. Also not to forget, we discussed how it’s important to let things flow on their own, we have to trick our brains into doing certain things at a certain time to embark on the journey of creating content. We are often perturbed by the idea of success based on metrics that the platforms show. However, Pawan rightly mentioned that the basis of success should be based on one’s evaluation of their work and nothing else should be a matter of concern.
We had our fair share of laughter and candidness, which made it even more so a conversation than a discussion. It is conversations like these, that make us realise why we started in the first place and why it is important to keep going. And I am sure it would be an inspiring conversation for all the creators.
So if you are someone who is seeking to get inspiration for your creativity, our live could be the perfect antidote! Tune into our live now, and watch out for our new episodes, every Wednesday at 6 pm!
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