5 Best Mental Health Podcasts To Let You Know That You Are Not Alone

by | Mar 12, 2021 | 0 comments

Anxiety. Depression. Panic Attacks. OCD. These are not just fancy words. They do exist, yes mental health issues do exist. It is a taboo in India but gradually people have started opening up about it. It is now discussed in various forums openly. But if you still feel difficult to talk about your mental health issues and if you are still struggling to accept your challenges and not sure what to do then these 5 listed podcasts will definitely help you. These will not only tell you that you are not alone in this journey and there are many like you but also will help you to your ‘Happy Space’ again. ?

So, let us dive right in and find our happy place together:

1) Savvy Psychologist

By Dr. Jade Wu


This podcast focuses on science of psychology and the host makes psychology both relatable and entertaining. Dr. Jade demystifies the various human emotions like joy, anger, anxiety and fear and many. She explains the scientific reason behind these emotions and also how to work on them with her special tips.

Why do I listen to this podcast?

I discovered this podcast just by chance and immediately got mesmerized by Dr. Jade’s soothing and calm demeaner. While listening to her you actually feel what she says in the beginning of her every episode that she will help her listeners meet life challenges with evidence-based research, a sympathetic ear and zero judgement. Every episode is thoroughly researched and the best part is how she blends science with sentiments. Please do not miss her special tips and exercises, they are definitely a bonus.

2) The #SOS Show with Suchita

By Suchita Bhhatia

This podcast exactly resonates with the reason why the blog is written i.e. break all the taboos created around mental health and normalize the discussion. In this podcast Suchita speaks to various people suffering through mental health issues , therapists, athletes, creatives and many more. She asks them what mental health means to them and together with her guests intends to bring a real change on how this subject is approached.

Why do I listen to this podcast?

This podcast is a confidence booster for people who are struggling with mental illness or mental health issues as they will come to know there are many like them and there is help available for people like them. She bursts some myths around the issue as well and mostly her guests make you feel, ‘All is Well.’

3) The Happy Times

By Joey Kidney

The Happy Times is a podcast by Joey Kidney. Joey shares his life experiences, anxiety, depression and the road to the happy times. This is all you will find in the description but let me tell you that this is way beyond that and the only reason behind that is relatability.

Why do I listen to this podcast?

You will immediately like this “young, dumb & 21” because he is honest and his approach is realistic and almost unfiltered. This podcast started in 2018 and over the years you actually witness this guy grow. This one is definitely something gen Z will relate to.

4) Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

 By Dan Harris

In this podcast Dan explores happiness from all angles. He talks about meditation with world’s best meditation gurus like Dalai Lama to scientists and celebrities. He delves beyond meditation and talks about how a human mind can be trained. Mental expressions like happiness, compassion, calmness are skills that can be acquired and he along with guests teaches in his podcast ‘How’.

Why do I listen to this podcast?

The best part of this podcast is that it not only talks about the problems but also tries to resolve it with mediation and beyond. He has bonus episodes with meditation sessions and these sessions are truly stress relieving. This podcast helps you to create a better thought-world for yourself. The ease with which only through conversations you are able to do that is the beauty of this show and the host.

5) Senti – Mental

By Azeem Banatwalla & Sana Khan

This is a light-hearted podcast which genuinely talks about some serious mental health issues. This podcast is so relatable and so very easy to ears and mind to understand different mental problems like OCD, anxiety, mental triggers and much more.

Why do I listen to this podcast?

The treatment and the approach with which this podcast is handled is commendable. The banter between the hosts and their chilled-out vibe with their guests helps you to relax and believe that, ‘It is okay not to be okay! I am not alone. There are many like me and if they can handle so can I.’ My only question, why did this podcast stop? It could have been such a relief during the pandemic. I am genuinely going to reach out to these guys and ask them to start this podcast again.

Initially, we all try and hide our symptoms saying that it is nothing, just a phase. I am alright! As soon as we recognize our symptoms and seek help, we will be on the road to recovery. The other day my friend cracked a joke that having mental health issues at least ensures that we have brains and we both laughed our gut out. I have no qualms in saying that I have a brain and I have my mental health issues and I am proud to say that I am on the road to recovery.

Happy Podcasting and Happy Recovery!